Orange County Community Tennis Association (OCCTA)

Strategy: Vision, Mission and Strategy


Client Description:

The OCCTA provides underlying support for all tennis programs in Orange County, Southern California. It is dedicated to raising funds, promoting programs, and publicizing local tennis activities to ensure that tennis maintains strong roots in the communities. Most importantly, the OCCTA ensures that every program is accessible to everyone, sustains and expands its membership.  The OCCTA is a not for profit organization with a board of directors.

Client Requirements:  

The OCCTA was not effectively reaching and developing Orange County’s next generations of tennis players.  Consequently, OCCTA selected new leadership with deep professionalism for renewed focus. To improve its promoting activities, the OCCTA needed to develop its 2020 direction.  OCCTA is using that direction in providing the Orange County community better accessibility, knowledge and membership growth to develop all players and levels, particularly young beginners.

How we helped:

We worked closely with the OCCTA Board to understand and describe the direction they wished to take. Interactive workshops helped to surface the challenges and define what success will be. We then developed and socialized their 2020 Vision and Mission and broad Strategy.

Key Results

We developed OCCTA’s 2020 vision, which is the focus of the organisation:  Become the tennis capital of California and the US, introducing Orange County’s next generations to their “sport of a lifetime”, as well its mission:  To create and grow new generations of OC tennis players.